A Great Round of Golf Is the Perfect Way to Start the Long Weekend

The short weekend home included a flurry of activity. From golfing to board games to the actual graduation celebration, your family of four was excited to be together one more time at the end of the summer. And while you were not at all surprised that your two college age daughters enjoyed a slower pace often hanging around the house, you were surprise that the impromptu trip to the new local golf venue garnered as much attention as it did.
Your younger daughter, in fact, was thrilled to show off her new found consistency after spending some time on one of the high definition golf simulators on campus. And even though your husband has tried in the past to get at least one of the girls on the home golf simulators you have had over the years, it appears that the college simulator, the campus golf coach, and a visit to the new local outdoor venue was the real ticket to turning her on to the game. To everyone’s surprise, your younger daughter came downstairs Saturday morning and asked if there was anyway the whole family could go play one of the local par three courses later in the day. Never mind that it would be the hottest few hours of the weekend or that for the family you only owned three sets of clubs, this daughter was ready to golf.
Her dad could not have been more excited.
Home Golf Simulators Provide an Opportunity to Practice Year Round
Whether you are the only golfer in your home or you have found a way to successfully convert everyone in the family to the game of golf, the fact remains that there are many times in many parts of the country where you simply cannot get out on the course. The weather, in fact, is a significant barrier to the efforts of many people who are trying to keep their games in shape. Fortunately, with the latest technology used in home golf simulators driving ranges, more and more people are finding a way to enjoy the sport that they love even when the weather does not cooperate.
During the pandemic there were many athletes who were prevented from practicing and playing the sports that they love the most. Golf, however, was the one sport that saw very few disruptions. With players using their own equipment anyways and a few small alterations to the use of golf carts, some golf courses are reporting that they are actually getting even more business than usual.
As a result, even people who may not have played much in the recent years are finding themselves looking for ways to get back into the game of golf. The use of various kinds of home golf simulators and swing analysis, it should come as no surprise that for those who are willing to dedicate the time there are lots of ways to get better. Those efforts seem to be working. For example, in the last 25 years, the average USGA handicap for a man has improved nearly two full strokes, from 16.3 to 14.4. For women, in comparison, handicaps dropped from 29.7 in 1991 to 26.1 in 2016. And while you do not have to be great at the sport of golf to enjoy it, knowing that you are at least making some improvements in your driving or your putting can be pretty exciting.
In addition to achieving some success, of course, the game of golf has some other real advantages. First of all, a typical 18-hole golf course covers approximately 125 to 150 acres of land. This means that in a time when far too many Americans are not getting the exercise that they need, getting out on a golf course can provide significant amount of exercise opportunity. On smaller courses where no carts are allowed, for instance, everyone gets the chance to walk, enjoy nature and conversation with other players, all while playing a game they love.
A total of 2.2 million people took up the game of golf in the year 2015, and the sport as a whole, generates more than $3.9 billion in charitable giving every year.