Is Play Truly Important? Psychological Studies Continue To Stress The Health Benefits Of Regular Playtime

Did you know play is good for your health?
It’s not just a brief reprieve from the confines of working life. It’s a way for you to de-stress, catch up with loved ones, and stretch your mind a little. This is true for adults and this is doubly so for children, who need playtime to help them learn important skills and set them up for a healthy life. Daycare playground equipment is becoming more widespread beyond the playground, supplementing businesses and decorating establishments alike. You do your customers a great service by allowing their children to have a place they can both be safe and thrive.
From church playgrounds to custom playgrounds, it’s through monkey bars and lots of open space are we able to bring out the best in children.
The History Of The Playground
It’s hard to believe such a common sight used to be a revelation, but that’s the way of it. The playground, just like other forms of technology and public access, had to start somewhere. The very first playground built in the United States was in Boston, erected around 130 years ago and setting the stage for children’s needs to be put first and foremost. The city of Chicago remains notable for having over 300 playgrounds strewn around its public parks. Daycare playground equipment is so commonplace, in fact, that businesses and establishments go out of their way to install them to encourage more customers.
Psychology Of Playtime
What makes play such a vital part of our lives? It’s intrinsically tied into our mental and emotional wellness. Regular play as children is involved in the development of at least 400 genes, according to modern psychology, and sets the stage for adulthood. In fact, children learn the most in their first five to six years of life. When a child runs around a daycare playground they’re doing more than just expelling energy. They’re picking up useful hand-eye coordination, developing social skills with other children, and learning more about the world around them.
Health Benefits Of Play
There are other benefits that come with daycare playground equipment…just getting children out and getting some much-needed fresh air. It’s recommended by most pediatricians children have at least 60 minuets per day of moderate exercise, including playground play, in order to stay physically sound. This can mean shaving off some excess pounds and this can mean setting them up for success against common health issues in the country, such as cardiovascular disease. Today over 70% of school districts in the country provide recess for elementary students to get their exercise.
Financial Benefits Of Playgrounds
What are other elements you can enjoy when implementing daycare playground equipment in your business? You can add customer engagement and confident to your list of positives. Many of your clients have children that need to be taken care of while they meet with peers and go to meetings. A feature that’s becoming more oft requested these days is easy access to commercial playground equipment. A recent study revealed just 45% of children between the ages of six and 11 get their recommended daily hour of exercise.
Installing Outdoor Playground Equipment This Year
Everyone benefits from daycare playground equipment. Children are given the means to have some fun and get their energy out. Parents rest easy knowing their children are receiving their daily amount of exercise and businesses will have a higher chance of cultivating repeat customers. Custom playgrounds can be built to order, with various features added and tweaked as you see fit. Monkey bars, swing sets, slides, horse spring riders, and the classic merry-go-round are just a few you can choose from.
Play is good for all of us. What could your business and your customers get out of commercial playground equipment?