Snowmobiles Move Aside for Boats and Dirt Bikes as the Warm Spring Months Arrive

It may seem like the wrong time of the year to be thinking about snowmobile dealers, but the reality is that this is the time of year when many businesses that sell winter recreational dealers are finalizing their orders for next years inventory. In addition, some of the snow mobile dealers are making sure that they are moving the inventory of any of these winter items to the back of a show room because they are the same dealers who are getting ready to fill their show room spaces with dirt bikes, motorcycling projects, and both new and used boats for sale.
Americans work hard, to it should come as no surprise that they also like to play hard. For this reason there are a number of businesses that sell recreational vehicles that can be used during any time of the year. From snow mobiles in the winter to boats in the summer, the recreational activity industry plays an important part in the nation’s economy. And in an effort to make their events the most memorable, there are now a number of extreme sporting events that cater to people who are looking for a way to compete against other like minded athletes. Consider some of these statistics:
- The first X Games, an event that features a number of extreme sports, was held in the year 1995 when the attendance was 198,000.
- Increasing to 270,000 in the year 1999, the highest attendance record for any X Games occurred that year. More recently, in 2017, total X Games attendance was 215,000
- Motor sports are increasingly popular in many parts of the country.
- Estimates indicate that there are over 1.2 million registered snowmobiles in the U.S. and ore than 600,000 registered snowmobiles in Canada.
- Families often have summer traditions of spending long weekends boating on their favorite lakes.
- Over 100,000 full-time jobs are generated by the snowmobile industry in North America, an indicator that this industry is more than just fun and games.
- Research indicates that last year there were 118,657 snowmobiles sold worldwide; 50,659 of which were sold in the U.S. and 44,161 which were sold in Canada.
- Finding the right kind of boat can help your family enjoy long days on the lake or the river.
- Used and new models are sold by snowmobile dealers around the country.
- No matter what kind of activity your family likes the most, it is important to make sure that you capitalize on their interest as long as you can.
When it is TIME FOR FUN in the winter, snowmobile dealers may have the products that you want the most. Likewise, in the summer you can look for boats, dirt bikes, and ATVs. No matter what the season, there is always a dealer who can help you find the recreational vehicles that you are looking for.