What Tactical Gear Is Used For

Every year the government collects data in regards to various situations to build statistics. They do so in order to understand trends within society, such as aggression or disdain towards government officials. This data has revealed that over the last decade there were almost 60,000 assaults each year on police officers.
Over the last ten years, just about one=third of all law enforcement officer deaths were caused by gunshots. This statistics makes gunshots the second leading cause of police officer deaths after car crashes. As a result, the government has worked to create safety equipment to help protect cops. Here are the facts on tactical gear.
Tactical gear for law enforcement is built to be strong and often involves body armor plates, body armor levels, and also bulletproof body armor. Since the government has implemented this type of gear for police officers to use the data suggests that this is a success. Armor vests have now helped to save the lives of more than 3,000 police officers over the past 30 years.
Within New York City, just about 87 police officers have been saved by body armor since the year of 1978. Being a cop is not safe and can be quite dangerous. While people are obviously aware of this when they sign up to police officers, it does not mean that there should not be steps taken to try and keep police officers safe.
In the year of 2016, the FBI collected data that suggests that just about 66 police officers were killed while working on the job. This is why so many different police departments are working to get tactical gear to their officers. That way, they can use the tactical gear to protect themselves from danger while on the job.
Without the right type of tactical gear, it is easy for a police officer to be prone to danger while on the job. So much data has been collected by the FBI and the government to show how dangerous it can be for police officers while they are on the job. Law enforcement safety is obviously a priority for many police department on a local, state, and national level.
There are so many aspects that play into whether or not someone can become a police officer. Part of this deals with how they deal with target practice and shooting targets, to ensure they can deal with an active shooter or someone who is harming others. The other part deals with police safety and ensuring that civilians are treated properly while interacting with the law.
In Conclusion
Being a police officer is not easy and the job can be quite dangerous. While in the line of duty, cops are exposed to danger and without the right kind of tactical gear, they could be susceptible to a fatal gunshot wound. It is absolutely essential for police officers to wear tactical gear in order to protect themselves while in the line of duty.