When Was Your Last Family Vacation?

The days are getting shorter, the school year has started, and you are already making plans for upcoming family vacation opportunities. For fall break you are planning a trip to the mountains to enjoy morning hikes, afternoon dirt biking explorations, and long nights around the campfire. Looking clear ahead to winter, you have the same lodge reserved for your family’s traditional Thanksgiving vacation spot, with hopes that the weather will cooperate and everyone can get some snowmobiling in.
Whether your family enjoys boating in the summer, dirt bikes in the fall, snowmobiling in the winter, or all three, it is often important to plan ahead if you really want to take advantage of these opportunities. And while the end of summer may seem like a strange time to think about snowmobiling, the fact of the matter is there are many snowmobile dealers who are just now planning for the arrival of this inventory. Year round adventure sporting dealers often shift their major showroom floor space according to the season. And as the summer winds down and the majority of boats may be pushed to the back of the showroom, there will be ATV dealers who will be featuring those products in the prime retail spaces. Likewise, as the fall progresses, there will be more focus given to the folks who love snowmobiling and other outdoor winter weather sports.
Snowmobile and Motorcycle Dealers Often Shift Their Inventory to Meet Seasonal Sales Demands
Whether you are someone who spends your spare time looking for used boats for sale for your lake house or searching for great snowmobiling opportunities when your family travels in the winter, you are likely presented with lots of opportunities. Like any purchase or rental, however, it is important to read various reviews and all manufacturer safety reports. When it comes to vehicles that can travel at a high rate of speed, it is also important to make sure that you are provided or purchase the proper safety equipment.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the recreational equipment industry and the impact that it has on the economy of the nation, as well as the enjoyment of the public:
- Between January and March 2017 41,000 all-terrain vehicles were sold to customers in the U.S. alone.
- The latest research indicates that as many as 87 million U.S. adults participate in recreational boating.
- Currently, there are more than 1.2 million registered snowmobiles in the U.S. This compares to the 600,000 registered snowmobiles in Canada.
- Although there are many manufacturers, as of 2018, Polaris occupied 33% of the ATV market share. Honda, in second place, is just behind at 29%.
- The total amount of revenue from recreational boats sold in the U.S. in 2016 was $3.6 billion.
- There were 8,410,255 motorcycles registered in the U.S. by private citizens and commercial organizations in 2011, according to the most recent report by the Department of Transportation. To put this number in perspective, one of every 36 people you meet in the U.S. probably has a motorcycle.
A recent report in the New York Times indicated that every year there are millions of hours of vacation time in the U.S. that go unused. This means, of course, that many Americans simply are not taking the days of work that they are allotted. And while you may fear that being away from work will lead to a big list of items that you will need to do when you return, the fact of the matter is vacation time helps relief stress and encourage creative thinking. If you are one of the people who does not typically take the days off that you are allowed, it might be time to rethink your plans.
The use of recreational vehicles like ATVs, snowmobiles, boats, and other options allow you to make the most of your hours and days away from the office. For example, more than 15 million boats are currently in use in the U.S. and many of them are used by people who are on vacation, looking for a way to relax away from the office. The days of summer are fading fast, but if you start planning now you can get organized to enjoy a winter excursion later this year. Snowmobiling in the winter is just one of the ways you can keep your family entertained.