Mowing Made Easy Kubota Zero Turn Mowers


It’s no secret that farming, landscaping, and cultivation is hard-work. Having unreliable equipment can make these tough jobs even more miserable. According to Tracy Sweeley
a private farm owner, 5 years of operating annual labor at her farm consisently has proven to require approximately 1632 person-hours for just the main season of March-September. This is about 233 person hours required total for one main season month for a 1/4 acre plot of land with only 4800 square feet. This number does not account for the labor during winter months. Not only does this make the workload for one person tedious and laborsome, it creates the challenge of creating financial sustainability for not only the farm, but the taxed workers involved on it. It would be clearly impossible to maintain even a small farm without a tractor of excellent quality. Additionally, owning a high-quality tractor is a irrefutable necessity for landscaping contractors. Combating high volumes of work, poor-quality terrain, rocky soil, and inclement weather makes having an outstanding piece of equipment a must for work of this nature.

Agriculture is currently the biggest industry in the state of Alabama, with 580,000 farm workers on 43000 farms. On average, farms in Alabama span 209 acres, as opposed to the national average of 434 acres. That’s a lot of grass. And the struggles don’t stop in Alabama, Georgians report that their grass grows up to six inches per week –and there are about 1.25 million acres of lawn in Georgia state. Despite the associated hassle that comes with being a home-owner, 90% of Americans still prefer to live in a home with a grassy lawn. Kubota zero turn mowers can ease the stressful chore of tackling a colossal lawn. Not is there an extensive selection of mowers to choose from, kubota zero turn mowers are powerful, maneuverible, and comfortable, sporting attractive exterior designs.

Kubota has manufactured agricultural equipment since 1890. They created and patented Japan’s first farm tractor. Kubota has considered that 99 percent of American farms are family owned and works tirelessly to ease the strain that can take a real toll on private farms. However, it is important to note that kubota zero turn mowers were designed with the idea that tough jobs pertain to more than just agriculture in mind. After all, landscaping industries employ nearly one million people in the US alone. There is never a lack of work, after all, golf greens need to be mowed daily to maintain the recommended length of 0.100 to 0.125 inches. Kubota is no stranger to finances and has frequent mower package deals and tractor package deals that make owning a quality piece of equiment accessible for even private farms. Additionally, kubota makes selecting your ideal mower or tractor easy with its custom design feature that allows potential buyers to pick and choose which features they would highly prefer in their equipment. In addition to the large selection of models kubota manufacturs, they also offer an extended warranty on their products. If you are a farmer, landscaper, or a simply a weary person with a big lawn, don’t hesitate to consider a kubota zero turn mower.

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